Shanthini Crusz, MD
Barts Health NHS Trust
London, UK
Shanthini Crusz is a medical oncologist specialising in melanoma and gynae-oncology at St Bartholomew’s Hospitals London, UK.
After gaining a BSc in immunology and MBBS from Imperial College, she went on to pursue her medical career in Cambridge and London. As a postgraduate, she was awarded a Cancer Research UK Fellowship and attained a PhD from Barts Cancer Institute, London.
Her research interests include the role of the immune system in cancer, immunotherapies and management of their toxicities. She has published research articles on novel management of immunotherapy toxicity and developed local consensus guidelines on immune-related adverse events in oncology patients.
Dr Crusz is involved in several clinical trials within Barts Health Trust, and as such, she works within a wide multidisciplinary team setting. Dr Crusz also leads the local education programme teaching acute medical specialties how to recognise and treat patients with acute complications of cancer treatments, including immunotherapies.